Gig Talk

New Members and Stuff….

Well it’s Wednesday which means the work week is half over and that is never a bad thing.  FrankLee was rocking the Swamp Monday and we added 4 new Dreamers to our growing group. The crowd was 34 strong!

The crowd at Shines was rocking!

It’s always great to see Dreamers in the audience especially ones we haven’t in awhile like Tootsie, Liz and Spiral (Liz Harley-Key West)!


During the show, Frank  promoted The Steamdolls show for Shadows Club (same sim) which opens today at 1pm.  If you are on the grid, be sure to catch the show!  Here is the website for more information.


Tonight FrankLee hits Key West and we hope to get a big crowd!! Liz has a great lineup with  Noma Falta starting us off at 6pm, followed by Doofus & Pan at 7pm and FrankLee to finish the evening at 8pm.  We hope you can join us!


Tomorrow night we hit The Pier at Wild Beach!  Woot… it’s turning out to be a great week!


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