Gig Talk,  Shoot the Breeze

More Prom Mixer but First…

Wow, what a week this has been.  Yesterday, The Home & Garden Expo was rocking with Bluron Clyburn, Nad Gough on Sim #1 sponsored by UrbanizeD. Then later in the day on Sim #2 sponsored by What Next, we had Frets Nirvana, Shaye Dezno and Sunshine Palmyra!  People came out in droves and the donations for Relay for Life were awesome!  Thank you to all of our talented artists who came and gave us the best that they had!


By the end of the night, we were all exhausted but very pleased with the turn out.  If you are on the grid today, go check out the Expo! When you are there, don’t forget to look for the special RFL vendors at the stores nearby.. What you buy from those vendors gives 100% to Relay for Life.


In other news, I didn’t forget about bringing more Prom Mixer back to the blog! Our King and Queen were Stoneyok and Sweetness9!  I literally lost it when they showed up elegant as ever in their prom attire sporting glasses and yes, head gear!  They truly captured the hearts of many as they danced the night away, stealing kisses and as Sweet put it “wiping the drool” from her chin because of the retainer. LOL.  When the votes came in, they had won by a landslide…  Thank you both for making us smile!

King & Queen 2012 Stoneyok & Sweetness9!

It was a great night and still today, Aubreya and I are receiving messages from Dreamers about what a great time they had.  That makes us feel happy since we enjoyed being part of the event planning so much!  Check out the pics below and thank you Frank and Winter for giving us this awesome night we won’t soon forget!

Winter..Busting a move looking Gorgeous as always!


Raynne & Trager -Owners of The Junkyard Beach Club!


Our awesome DJ, Cameron Trenchcoat & NevaehsGrace looking Spectacular!
Jasper Lemton- Owner of A&J Nightclub Dressed to Kill!!
Aubreya & Zak hitting the bottles!

I don’t know how we will top this Fan Appreciation party come Christmas time!  (But we will O.o.. ) Hugs Dreamers! Have a great day!


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  • FrankLee Anatra

    Sitting here on our day off from the live entertainment schedule for this week I must say that Winter and I are so proud of our guest artists at the expo! Reggie, Ganjo, Phemie, Kellee, Blueron, Nad, Frets, Shaye, Sunny, you all came through in a big way for our sponsorship of this years Relay for Life Home & Garden Expo. Thank you so much for singing your hearts out and inspiring your fans to give to this great cause.

    Jbird and Aubs, you are doing herculean work with the organizing of the shows. We really appreciate it and so do the audience members. You both make it look easy although we know it’s not.

    We still have more great guest artists filling out the rest of the week and those shows promise to be as fun and entertaining! We can’t wait to attend!

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